

LUX and the New TECH

Titles From This Series
LUX-1: Hypersonic
LUX-2: The Pod
LUX-3: Force Field
LUX-4: Interplanetary
LUX-5: Interstellar
LUX-6: Contact
Performed By:Brian Holden
Release Date:October 10, 2023
Format:Single Narration
Series Duration:61 hr, 56 min

Lux Blakely, the preteen son of a NASA scientist working on top-secret government projects, is not shackled by accepted scientific theory and dogma.

His experiments in gravimetric research and the expanding capability of a nascent AI cause Lux to be closely observed by several government agencies. He discovers a way to use magnetic fields for propulsion, but he needs money. Lux and his friend, Prissy, come up with a way to use his father's developing AI to raise money through social media. Lux is trying to get out of high school and into college at age nine. Lux and Prissy take deepfake videos to a whole new level and make a lot of money doing it. The US military and intelligence community is not amused.

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