

Spacer, Smuggler, Pirate, Spy

Titles From This Series
Spacer, Smuggler, Pirate, Spy Publisher's Pack
Release Date:October 29, 2019
Format:Single Narration
Series Duration:11 hr, 52 min

Spacer, Smuggler, Pirate, Spy: Publisher's Pack contains Books 1 and 2 of the Spacer, Smuggler, Pirate, Spy series.

Spacer, Book 1: Jon Bartlett's path is clear before him: finish his last year of schooling, then off on the family's ships to learn the intricacies of interstellar trade. But a message of tragedy at home comes for him, and his expected life is flung far out of reach and he's cast into a role he never wanted. Smuggler, Book 2: There are "nice" jobs that come my way, and there are profitable jobs that come my way. Now, these things do, on occasion, come along inside each other's orbits - but it's more of a cometary sort of thing, if you take my meaning. Avrel Dansby is troubled.

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