

The United Federation Marine Corps' Grub Wars

Titles From This Series
The UFMC's Grub Wars
Release Date:October 9, 2018
Series Duration:21 hr, 21 min

Lance Corporal Hondo McKeever is a peacetime Marine.

Humanity is hooked into a limited war with the alien Klethos, where gladiator-style combat decides the fate of worlds. Hondo's career has consisted of training hard but never seeing actual battle. All of that changes when a new enemy invades the galaxy. One that forces humanity and the Klethos to forge an unlikely alliance. But can the Klethos be trusted? Mankind hasn't fought an all-out war in centuries, but they're about to. And the Grub invaders are bent on running the galaxy. The UFMC's Grub Wars is a fast-paced, action-packed military sci-fi story.

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