

Red Company

Titles From This Series
Red Company: First Strike!
Red Company: Discovery
Red Company: Contact
Red Company: Invasion
Performed By:Mark Boyett
Release Date:August 8, 2023
Format:Single Narration
Series Duration:38 hr, 20 min

For centuries, mankind has searched for nonhuman civilizations in the cosmos.

These lost alien societies have finally been discovered—but they were destroyed long ago. Devin Starn starts off as a lowly rock rat aboard Borag, a mining ship working the dangerous end of the asteroid belt. Slowly, he gains prestige and purpose. When an alien base is uncovered, however, he must risk everything to protect his ship and her crew. What wiped out all the civilizations that came before humanity? Find out in B. V. Larson’s _Red Company: First Strike!, _a pulse-pounding, high-stakes military sci-fi adventure.

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