Serenity's made it home. All should be well, but that's far from true.
Despite being back with the family she so desperately fought to get back to, all she can think about is the life she left behind. Her aching heart grows worse day by day, but she doesn't have anyone to confide in about her impossible adventure, so she keeps it all to herself, letting her grief slowly consume her. With no seer, no queen, and no love of his life, Kang-Dae is in a bad place. Though those around him try to convince him Serenity is gone for good, he refuses to accept it. There's something inside him that desperately clings to the hope that she is alive. Though his kingdom needs him, he can't help feeling Serenity needs him more. The only thing he can think of is getting her back, and he's willing to cross worlds to do so.