After the so-called success of his mission to Madrevaria, Kris finds himself back home, aimless and alone.
A shocking and unexpected loss spurs him into action, and he soon tackles a hostage situation at the Aljarrian consulate, earning front-page coverage as a masked vigilante in the process. Forced onto a shorter leash by his CIA watchers, Kris is taken to Washington DC, but the trip is far from being the rest and relaxation he needs. A chance meeting with a congressperson ensues, a meeting that results in tragic and horrifying consequences… It's soon revealed that Vega has a massive secret—a deadly, terrible secret Kris is only now painfully aware of—along with the troubling realization that there's truly no going back now. He'll learn the reason Vega came here, to this place and to this time, or he'll die trying…