A resurgent enemy. Two daughters born of the mist. A Dominion presence on Earth. A devastating attack. A steamy reunion with a former lover.
Nearly a year has passed since Kyle and Alex Wimberly's daughter, Kayla, was born. She has already begun manifesting the gift of the mist. After two years of silence, the Dominion launch a devastating attack on planet Aarde, killing over one hundred thousand Katswiri, the native population. As Kai and Alex retaliate by destroying a Dominion core world, a metal sphere plows through Earth's atmosphere, making a fiery entry and sending a message: Kyle Wimberly. We know who you are. We know where you live. We are coming for you, but we will take your wife and your daughter first. From best-selling author D. Ward Cornell comes the continuing tale of human ingenuity, alien conflict, and one man's struggle to lead a reluctant world to survival in its first war between worlds. Buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the ride in the exciting next installment in the Echoes of Extinction series.