The Pucking Coach's Daughter
The Pucking Coach's Daughter

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Release Date:July 23, 2024
Duration:15 hr, 20 min

Trust no one.

I learn that the hard way after hockey star Carter Masters stabs me in the back and turns our rival school against me. Suddenly, I’m public enemy number one at Framingham State. Just a year later, that’s exactly where I’m forced to enroll.  No one has forgotten what I did. The anti-Sydney campaign is led by two gorgeous, psycho hockey players. Oliver Ruiz, captain, and Penn Walker, the devastating goalie.  They have me in their sights the moment I step foot on their campus. Where they lead, the rest of the students follow. They won’t stop until I’m gone and Carter’s team faces payback. My only solace from the constant bullying comes from a blocked number that keeps texting me.  As much as Oliver and Penn want to, they can’t drive me off completely. Because even at the worst moments, I know I’m not going anywhere. After all, I’m their coach’s daughter.

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