Pissing off God comes with consequences, which should have been obvious in hindsight.
For Loki and Lucifer, it's a victory—and the least of their problems. Building an infernal army is a lot harder when trying to fit it around eight daily hours of mind-numbing labor, uncooperative fugitive deities, and competing layers of escalating sabotage. Even worse, behind its bland corporate veneer, Providence is anything but that: its deities brim with magic, secrets, and ancient scars. The career path is soul-destroying. Under these sorts of conditions, someone has to hold management accountable...and Loki has scores to settle. Pissing off God was just the start, and office politics have never been more deadly. Gods may be many things, but ‘safe' isn't one of them. Eye of the Executive is book two of the Doing God's Work series. Mythology, blasphemy, and rebellion combine in this sacrilegious corporate fantasy.