Sleet Kitten
Sleet Kitten
Sleet Series - Book 1

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Release Date:September 27, 2022
Duration:7 hr, 45 min

There are a few things that life doesn’t prepare you for.

Like what to do when a super-hot guy catches you sneaking around in his basement, or what to do when a mysterious package shows up with tickets to a hockey game (because, apparently, he’s a professional athlete). Nor how to handle it when you get to the game and realize he’s_ freaking famous_, since half of the 20,000 people in the stands are wearing his jersey. I thought I was a well-adjusted adult–reasonably prepared for life. But one date with Jackson Wilder, a viral video, and a “I didn’t know she was your mom” incident, and I’m suddenly questioning everything I thought I knew. But he’s fun. And great. And I think I might be falling for him. But I don’t know if he’s falling for me, too, or if he’s as much of a player off the ice as on.

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