Quest Update: Reunite the team. Current Status: Complete.
After finally reuniting on the Orchard Fortress, it seemed like the team would make a clean getaway...until a magical glimpse into the future revealed their horrible—and imminent—demise. At least they finished their first quest, right? Even if they somehow escape their impending doom in the next thirty seconds and make it back to the Stradivarius, their troubles are far from over. The soulforged vessel is a floating warzone. In addition to all the normal dangers that space travel poses, the derelict ship is packed with fromlirs. Hordes of the tiny lizardmen stalk the halls, led by a mech-suit capable of ripping through metal like tissue paper. Orion wrestles with his self-doubt—made all the worse by torrents of verbal abuse from a snarky AI. Arcana, still intent on becoming the greatest caster in the universe, wants nothing more than to leave the team behind, and after her actions during the escape, Galek is inclined to let her. Echo needs new spells to round out her healing repertoire—and new drugs to try. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Syzygy still hasn't found shoes.