USS Hamilton: Ironhold Station
USS Hamilton: Ironhold Station
USS Hamilton - Book 1

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Release Date:September 15, 2020
Format:Single Narration
Duration:9 hr, 55 min

The surprise attack within the Auriga Star System was worse than brutal; it was heinous, leaving the US Navy's 3rd Fleet decimated.

Thousands of crew are reported dead, including the ship’s captain. Reluctantly, the young XO, Galvin Quintos, will be taking command of the fleet's crippled dreadnaught, the USS Hamilton, while doing his best to bring fleet survivors back to Earth. To make matters worse, there’s a murderer running loose on board the ship, critically low fuel levels, _and _the Grish are back, in fast pursuit and ready to finish what they’d started. Only by sheer luck - and a good measure of cagey smarts - will Quintos be able to rise to the challenge.

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