A fragment of Draeken has fallen.
As the remaining fragments cope with the devastating loss, Mind embarks on a journey to discover Serak's past, a trail that will lead to shocking secrets about friends, foes, and himself. But the trail of truth is not of his own make, and Serak has laid a path right to his door. With winter settling on Lumineia, the kings and queens start building an army to destroy Serak. Many are quick to join the budding alliance, but one soldier struggles to choose a side. Cast adrift, Tardoq is friendless and hunted. The powerful dakorian is a warrior without a war, until the oracle extends a surprising invitation, one that could turn the tide. As battle lines form against him, Serak fears only one, the Hauntress, protector of the shattered soul. Three times he's failed to kill her, and when the fragments begin to disappear, she will prove that nothing is as dangerous as a desperate mother. All lines converge on the hidden fortress of Blackwell Keep, where the final trap awaits its prey.