Fresh from the success of capturing Gwain's Keep, Alpha Company is in high spirits. Flush with coin, everyone is eager to get better gear and see what new zones they can go fight in.
Not everything is roses though, as the first testing phase is about to come to an end. A number of those who ventured forth with the guild are about to return to their regular lives, and the next wave of testers brings even more players to embrace Alpha World as their new reality, if only for a limited time. Alburet has new complications to deal with, but he doesn't have to face them alone. Two other loving women - Fluffball and Karen - whom he has accepted the love of will be at his side as the revelation of his past comes out. Will Alburet be able to handle what he has hidden from himself, with the love of the trio of women beside him? Or will he break and fail, leaving his spirit fractured?