At night, I cleanse the world of the undead, and in the morning, I enjoy a nice breakfast under my friends' curious gazes.
Their questions will have to wait, because no matter how you spend your free time, life goes on. Sometimes in unexpected ways, both for you and your acquaintances. After all, what could be more unexpected than the sudden arrival of your roommate's relatives? At least I know how to deal with the undead. Cut off the head and—boom—problem solved. But what should I do with an aunt ready to curse me from the doorstep? Bribe? Flatter? Intimidate? But that's not the worst of my troubles. I also have a bloodsucker on my trail who wants to use me against his superiors. And as if that isn't bad enough, there are still the problems of the mundane life. I need to further develop my reputation as a healer and legalize my unusual talents. There's also the sword school. I have the skills, but will anyone believe that an orphaned commoner was just born so talented?