

Lost Town

Titles From This Series
Release Date:October 22, 2024
Format:Single Narration
Series Duration:22 hr, 15 min

A small town with a big problem.

Caesar, an undercover operative, enters Carmichael with the briefest of orders from his boss and a countdown on his phone. What will happen when the clock strikes zero? Deputy Amelia Miller is dispatched from a nearby city, and a series of events keeps her around much longer than she’d expected. In the middle of the night, something shifts, and the whole town disappears off the face of the Earth. Who caused the shift, and what lies beyond the veil of their settlement? As the citizens grow braver, they begin to explore the mysterious borders while resisting the chaos within. From the bestselling author of The Other Place, Lost Contact, and First Life comes a genre-bending saga. Taken is the thrilling entry into the epic Lost Town series and is full of suspense, science fiction, and adventure.

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