When the universe defaults on its existential loans, who better to foreclose the apocalypse than the Windowpuncher, Tyson Dawes?
Dearth Conglomerate is plummeting in market value, and Kraken is no more. But not all threats have been extinguished. Thanks to the rising threat of the Sleem, the whole multiverse is in danger. Desperate for a cosmic bailout, the Church calls for a financial crusade. Meanwhile, Molls and her family fall into a whole mess of market shock and face futures unknown. With Storage under threat of hostile foreclosure, the universe faced with Sleem saturation, and Silken Sands spread thinly over too many areas of opportunity, has BuyMort found its final market victor? From the elastic supply of the Church's Inquisition auditing Silken Sands to a climactic battle with ROI (that's Return on Incineration, by the way) so low it crashes all markets, this is one fiscal year you won't want to miss. Get ready for a hostile takeover of epic proportions. In BuyMort: Bull Market Mayhem, the end isn't nigh—it's been leveraged, securitized, and is ready to liquidate. Say your prayers and check your credit score because when the celestial ledger closes, you'll want to make sure your cosmic assets are diversified.