Sporemageddon Vol. 1

Sporemageddon Vol. 1

Sporemageddon, Book 1
Written byRavensDagger
Performed bySavy Des-Etages
Released:August 15, 2023
Format:Single Narration
Duration:6 hr, 56 min

Why survive the apocalypse when you can become the apocalypse?

Nature is dying. Perhaps before the world is turned into an industrious machine, nature itself can play one final trump card to save itself. Summoned to a new world, a mushroom-loving mycologist needs to grow up and grow stronger in order to accomplish the goal that brought them to this new place: to save nature from the system that the sentient races have created. Stats, levels, classes, and skills are all well and good, but when you're a Child of Poverty in the slums of City Nineteen, there's little you can do to change the world. Not unless you're willing to think outside the box!

This book is part ofSporemageddon, Book 1
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Sporemageddon Vol. 3
Sporemageddon Vol. 2
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