To Stand Between Sea and Sky
To Stand Between Sea and Sky
The Forerunner Initiative - Book 5

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Performed By:Andrea Emmes
Release Date:February 13, 2024
Format:Single Narration
Duration:13 hr, 54 min

We’re finally scouting out the great Sanctuary cities, magical spaceships big enough to host a dozen New Yorks.

We just have to figure out how to turn them on, and we might have a way to save the people of Earth. On top of that, we’re ready to hit the world dungeon to kick our power up to the next tier. All in all, things are going great. So, of course, the M’tari declare war on the Aetherium’s great sky city, Aethire—the same Aethire that has the world dungeon. Despite our best efforts, I can’t stop myself... When people are in need, it seems I can’t help but To Stand Between Sea and Sky.

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