The Western Shores

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Performed By:Andrea Emmes
Release Date:December 19, 2023
Format:Single Narration
Duration:15 hr, 10 min

You’d think defeating a giant four-armed, catgirl supersoldier would buy you some peace.

More like pieces. Sure, I get to spend time with Rufka, but it turns out stopping Ivicka isn’t enough to get home. As we continue our quest to find a way to Earth, it’s time to get efficient. Or so I’m told. Course Beth likes convoluted plans like I enjoy cuddles with Rufka and Smoulder, so it’s not a surprise she’s trying to rope me into taking more responsibility. Still, despite everything, I’m determined to enjoy the journey. Sab would be disappointed if I didn’t get some proper adventuring in before returning to Earth. And adventure is exactly what waits on The Western Shores.

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