I was sold to my enemies; a deal made to keep the peace, but deals get broken all the time...
What did these powerful families have as collateral? Their daughters. A decade earlier, they decided that we were expendable, that we could be sold in marriage to keep their dealings honest. I didn't matter more than the security I could bring to the marketplace. I was twelve when they decided that, in ten years, I'd belong to the Hernandez family. Everyone knew what was coming for me. Everyone…except me. I have no choices. The daughter of mobsters, I now belong to the Mexican Cartel. But even the terrible images those words evoke are nothing compared to what is coming for me. My new family will discover I am more than just a pawn in their chess game. I'm named after a flower, but I don't wilt. I am determined to come out ahead in their Mafia Wars. Gunmetal Lily is a reverse harem novel in the dark and twisted Mafia Wars world. It is recommended for mature listeners due to strong language, adult situations, and sensitive content.