Iris Black
There are moments in music when the crowd becomes part of the song, and we all lose ourselves to the energy. I wanted to drown myself in the music. It became my escape and my savior. I thought success was what I wanted, but it only intensified my misery. Fame is a monster, and it ate me alive. I tried it all to get out of my head: sex, drugs, and rock and roll. I'm living the dream, but it only numbs the pain. Caspian came into my life like a storm, and I knew he'd leave the same way. We were two vessels made to fit. Chemistry woven in creation. There's no escape, there's no surrender. His Pretty Black forever. But he broke me, and I don't know how to forgive him. Is it foolish to do it all again? To find our way back to the place where it all began? I've mourned his leaving so many times I don't have it in me to do it again.