Fates Parallel: Vol. 6

Fates Parallel: Vol. 6

Fates Parallel, Book 6
Performed byCindy Kay
Released:February 11, 2025
Format:Single Narration
Duration:27 hr, 22 min

Some ancient secrets are better left buried.

After reuniting with their friends in Qin, Jia and Eui are welcomed to the Spiritual Flowing Purewater Sect as honored guests, but their peaceful reprieve is not to last. Yan Yue's upcoming wedding has drawn the attention of Qin's ruling class, who are using the gathering as a pretense to hold a summit to determine the future of the empire. Yoshika and their allies will have to navigate Qin's treacherous political quagmire as they attempt to gain support for their alliance, face an army of demons to retake the fallen Grand Academy, and finally seek out the legendary tomb of the Bloody Sovereign. Join them in their longest and most challenging journey yet as they continue their progression fantasy adventure about friendship, love, self-discovery, personal growth, and, of course, magical martial arts!

This book is part ofFates Parallel, Book 6
Browse This Series
Fates Parallel: Vol. 7
Fates Parallel: Vol. 5
Fates Parallel: Vol. 4
Fates Parallel: Vol. 3
Fates Parallel: Vol. 2
Fates Parallel: Vol. 1
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