Jennifer Pickens
About the Performer

Storytelling has always had a central place in my life. My mother read to me every day, and when family gathered we would sing old hymns and folk songs. It was how we talked about the world and connected to each other. As a child, I would create characters with complicated backstories, and spend hours acting out their adventures. Showchoir, community theater, dance, talent shows: it really did feel like all the world was a stage.

As an adult I have brought characters off the page and onto film for years as a model for my book-illustrator husband, J.K. Potter. Now, as a narrator, I get to use my skills to continue to be part of the great story telling tradition. My smooth tone and confident grasp of character and pacing help build the connection between the story and the listener.

​​I live in Oregon, and when not behind the mic I can usually be found reading, drinking tea, metalsmithing, playing the mountain dulcimer, or sitting under a tree and daydreaming.​​​

Titles from the performer
Ashes of August Manor
Puppy Love
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