Dire: Born

Dire: Born

The Dire Saga, Book 1
Written byAndrew Seiple
Performed byAmy McFadden
Released:October 16, 2018
Format:Single Narration
Duration:13 hr, 16 min

No memory, no resources, no secret lair, and no time to find her feet: this is the story of a self-made villain, and her fall into strife.

Fleeing from unknown enemies and an early death, she emerges into a city gone dark in the aftermath of a complete systems failure. Hounded by heroes, menaced by gangs, and helped by the most unlikely of allies, she claws her way up from weakness to strength and works to build a better future for those who deserve it. To survive, she'll need strength to stand toe-to-toe against secretly supernatural foes, compassion to work with the dregs and outcasts of a broken society, and cunning to outwit intelligence beyond human kind. The challenge is great…but she is Dire. And Icon City will never be the same again.

This book is part ofThe Dire Saga, Book 1
Browse This Series
Dire: Fate
Dire: Hell
Dire: Sins
Dire: Wars
Dire: Time
Dire: Seed
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