Andrew Seiple
About the Author
Andrew Seiple has been a voracious reader, roleplayer, gamer, and library enthusiast for years, and is finally getting serious about writing. After a torrid, decades-long love affair with science fiction and fantasy, he's found a true joy in writing books about super heroes and villains, and far stranger things.
Books From The Author
Liminal Marches
Shattered Diaspora
An End to All Tails
The Phantom of the Lop Ear
Friends with Bunny Feets
Dragon Drop
Occult Place To Die
Nomad Core
Dire: Fate
Dragon Hack
Well Done
At Large
Big Trouble
Dire: Hell
Bunker Core
Dire: Sins
Dire: Wars
Dire: Time
Dire: Seed
Dire: Born
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